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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fitness guide

Exercise Is The Key To Loose Weight:
You're overweight, don't blame your will power, Something wrong with your body function. If you want keep your body work smoothly, pay more attention to all the in-out throngh your body. nutrition is this in, exercise is this out.
Fitness fundamental
getting started with physical activity for a healthy weight.

Your Fitness Level:
Doing exercise is very safe for most people, but if you have concern, you have to check with your doctor first.
Take test, know where your fitness level is now.
What kind of exercise do you need?
Running all year round doesn't gurantee you are fit.
The total fitness includes cardio exercise, strength training, flexibility and more.

Exercise Intensity:
How intense do you exercise?
How much calorie do you use in exercise?
Intensity does count!
Safety concern's:
What you don't want happen?
You don't want hurt yourself when workout. So, how to prevent injury?

Exercise Place:
Workout at home or at gym are the same, the key is to keep moving.
Even if you are on travel, you still can workout.

Exercise Time:
At morning, lunchtime, at night, finding time to do exercise.
In summer, in winter, keep motivated, fit and safe.

Stay Motivated:
Sometime, exercise is boring. But keep motivated, keep moving.

Exercise Equipment:
No matter how much money you have, you can have good exercise equipment.

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