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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Heart Rate Monitors

Utilizing a heart rate monitor allows you train smarter, not harder. These devices allow you to exercise intelligently and maximize the safety and effectiveness of your exercise program. Heart Rate Monitors are not just for competitive athletes. Men and women of all fitness levels, concerned about their health, will benefit from using a heart rate monitor. These monitoring systems are comfortably used during a variety of activities such as walking, running, swimming, cycling, rowing, hiking, etc. They are also great for the fitness center when using the treadmill, stationary bike, stepper or other aerobic conditioning equipment and when taking aerobic exercise classes.

Cardiologists and exercise physiologists recommend specific levels of training intensity and duration for cardiovascular fitness and fat burning. There is a direct relationship between your level of exertion and the number of heart beats per minute. The appropriate heart rate range for exercising is called the Heart Rate Training Zone. When you exercise at the correct heart rate training zone for the correct time period at the exertion level that will provide the desired training result, you will effectively obtain the maximum benefit of the exercise session. This takes the guess work out of your training, makes your training safer by avoiding over exertion and gives you the greatest benefits in the shortest time. Don't exercise haphazardly risking injury, burnout, boredom and slow progress. Use scientific training to see and feel results quickly.

To determine your heart rate training zone, you need to know your Maximum Heart Rate. The basic calculation to determine maximum heart rate is 220 - your age. Percentages of your maximum heart rate are used as a predictor of the high and low end of your heart rate training zone. This zone is used as a guide to help you meet your cardiovascular or fat burning fitness goals. Exceeding the heart rate training zone will result in too high an exercise intensity and exercising below the heart rate training zone will produce little training effect and results.

Taking your pulse while exercising is a difficult task. It requires you to stop and take your pulse for 6-15 seconds and then compute your rate for that moment. Stopping during an exercise program may cause your heart rate to drop below your desired heart rate training zone. If you vary your exercise intensity, then you would need to take your pulse every time you changed your exertion level to assure you are training at a safe and effective level. Manually taking your pulse rate is difficult and can result in errors in determining your heart beats which can lead to unsafe and ineffective workouts.

Key Benefits of Using a Heart Rate Monitor:

a.It is used as a cardiovascular intensity guide to maximize training effectiveness.
b.It acts as a personal trainer that directs you to slow down or speed up.
c.It is an evaluation tool for monitoring the effectiveness of a training program.
d.It provides motivation and shows improvements in your fitness level.
e.It is a safety device for cardiac rehabilitation patients.
f.It is a system for developing and analyzing a training program.

Chest Strap Transmitter Heart Rate Monitors :

These are continuous heart rate monitoring devices. This heart rate monitor system has the ability to detect the electrical signal of the heart on the skin with each heart beat and transmit this signal to a monitor. Our products utilize sensors in a chest strap to measure the heart beat and is electrocardiogram (ECG) accurate. The heart beat is transmitted from the chest strap to a wrist watch type monitor for easy readability. The belt transmitter encases all of the electrical components inside the unit and is water resistant.

These type of heart rate monitors are especially beneficial when altering the intensity of a workout such as when doing interval training. The chest strap monitor will automatically evaluate the changing heart rate during the varying intensity of the workout and alarm you if your target heart rate falls below or goes above the pre-set limits. This allows you to exercise safely at your precise personal target heart rate zone to achieve maximum physiological benefits in the minimum amount of time. We only sell heart rate monitor models that allow you to set your target heart rate zone and alarm you when your heart rate falls below or exceeds the optimum training zone. This assures you of a safe and effective training program.

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